Nursing is the single largest profession in the entire U.S. healthcare workforce. By offering educational leadership and advocacy opportunities, your health system can recruit top nursing talent.
B&Y Insights
Where to Look When Your Marketing Dollars Aren’t Working
Do you feel like you’re not seeing the return on investment you were hoping for with your marketing efforts? Occasionally we’ll hear from businesses that they feel like their marketing spend just isn’t paying off the way they’d hoped and they’re not sure why. This tends to be particularly true in regard to digital advertising. If this struggle sounds familiar to you, let’s get to the bottom of it. There are many places to look when your marketing is proving less than effective but, as a start, let’s dig in to five of the most common issues.
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Predictive science and analytical data can help you find out more about your audience than you know about your Uncle Carl.
Why is brand discovery so important?
In advertising, discovery is multifaceted — ranging from full brand discovery to...
Brand research: A walk in your consumers’ shoes
It’s easy for companies to say, “Let’s put ourselves in the shoes of our consumers.” It certainly makes sense when trying to figure out what they see in your brand, why they buy your products, and what attributes are most important to them.
With a bit of strategic know-how, your brand can be everywhere and more impactful than ever before — at a fraction of the cost.
Marketing Tips for B2B Technology Companies
The marketing landscape for B2B software solutions and SaaS products is changing. Here are our tips for how to keep up with trends, reach the right people, and nuture leads into customers.
Are Trade Shows Still Valuable in 2023?
If you’re a B2B business with the opportunity to attend an industry trade show, they are worth making room for in your budget. Trade shows provide a unique opportunity for you to interact with a large number of qualified prospects who also get the chance to interact with your products.
Can You Define Your Target Audience?
If you were put on the spot, could you describe your brand’s target audience? How much detail could you give? If you feel like you might be at a loss for a quick answer, we can help!
Being pretty isn’t enough — it’s all about creative execution that has the guts to really mean something to the one you’re engaging.
is your site mobile-friendly?
Turning websites and smartphones into best pals. Having a website that isn’t optimized for mobile devices is like having an unreliable friend – not there when you need them. Google has been an advocate of responsive and mobile design for some time, so it wasn’t a surprise when they recently announced algorithm changes that would affect mobile search results.
creative grief : How to set your creative team up for success
The human mind can only process so many options, and when there are too many, we just can’t make a decision at all.
It should come as no surprise that having a bigger digital presence is more important for your brand than ever before.
Get More Qualified Traffic with Niche Keywords
A great way to start improving SEM ad performance is to make sure your ads are serving to the right audience. Using niche keywords helps ensure you’re giving your attention and spend to keywords specific to your niche instead of relying on buzz phrases or big industry keywords which often bring too much noise and not enough focus.
How to Increase B2B Sales with Digital Marketing
Have you tried digital marketing but felt like it wasn’t right for your B2B company? You’re not alone. At first glance, digital advertising does seem tailored to direct to consumer businesses, but (and you’ll have to trust us here) it’s not just for B2C.
Hitting the center of the bullseye.
The value of targeting YOUR ideal customer.
We’re fighting for firsts
Smile, word, step – every baby’s firsts are special. But some babies don’t see their first birthday. This holiday season, we’re raising awareness for infant mortality.
Boyden & Youngblutt welcomes Senior Account Executive Dustin Hickle
With over 10 years of marketing experience, Dustin brings even more digital expertise to the B&Y team.
The courage to make a difference. How one candle can help those in need all year.
Since B&Y first opened its doors in 1990, our annual holiday card has served as an opportunity to give back to our community. Instead of focusing on ourselves, we put our efforts into raising awareness for a local charity.