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B&Y Insights


It should come as no surprise that having a bigger digital presence is more important for your brand than ever before.

3 Quick Wins to Improve Your Digital Ad Creative

3 Quick Wins to Improve Your Digital Ad Creative

Do you feel like your digital ads aren’t showing the return on investment you’d hoped to see? Whether you’re advertising on social media or digital display networks, making a couple thoughtful, strategic updates to your ad creative could have a measurable impact on the overall performance of your campaigns. Here are three quick changes you can make to your next digital ad campaign to see better ROI.

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How the Holidays Affect Your Digital Marketing

How the Holidays Affect Your Digital Marketing

During the end of the year, consumers change their behavior and the cost-per-click on digital banner, YouTube, other streaming video and SEM ads can rise. Many companies who aren’t part of the holiday sales cycle are left wondering how to continue their marketing plans. Here are a few tactics that can keep your name in the minds of your target audience and not be lost in the holiday clutter.

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Could Dynamic Search Ads Improve Your SEM Performance?

Could Dynamic Search Ads Improve Your SEM Performance?

Are you looking to boost the clicks on your search engine marketing? Utilizing Google’s Dynamic Search Ads (DSAs) might be a great way to breathe new life into your SEM campaigns. These ads are powered by Google’s AI to share relevant ads to a broader range of search terms. Sound interesting? Let’s take a closer look at how DSAs work and their pros and cons to see if they’d be a good fit to enhance your SEM strategy.

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Does Your Website Have These 7 Key Features?

Does Your Website Have These 7 Key Features?

In today’s digital world, it is essential for businesses to have some type of web presence. Look at your website today. Is it putting your brand’s best foot forward? If you’re not sure your website is hitting the mark, let’s walk through seven components of a strong website. Then you can see how your site is measuring up and what exactly you might want to work on during your next site redesign.

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Get More Qualified Traffic with Niche Keywords

Get More Qualified Traffic with Niche Keywords

A great way to start improving SEM ad performance is to make sure your ads are serving to the right audience. Using niche keywords helps ensure you’re giving your attention and spend to keywords specific to your niche instead of relying on buzz phrases or big industry keywords which often bring too much noise and not enough focus.

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How to Increase B2B Sales with Digital Marketing

How to Increase B2B Sales with Digital Marketing

Have you tried digital marketing but felt like it wasn’t right for your B2B company? You’re not alone. At first glance, digital advertising does seem tailored to direct to consumer businesses, but (and you’ll have to trust us here) it’s not just for B2C.

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5 strategies to increase your healthcare brand’s social media success

5 strategies to increase your healthcare brand’s social media success

Today, most consumers receive at least some health-related information from social media. For healthcare brands, this digital space is competitive and oversaturated making it hard for your organization to stand out. But providing your target audience with your brand’s thought leadership is pivotal to successfully utilizing your social media.

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Mobile Marketing Engages Customers in Winter

Mobile Marketing Engages Customers in Winter

The “holiday let down” in Quarter 1 is a yearly, dynamic challenge. After the holiday hubbub, dissatisfaction, sadness and even depression can set in for many Americans. Mobile marketing can engage customers using the rhythm of cyclical psychology trends.

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It’s time to step up your video game. (P.S. We can help.)

It’s time to step up your video game. (P.S. We can help.)

Twenty-eight years ago, the only type of motion work it seemed clients were interested in tackling was TV commercials. But over the past five years, video as a means of information consumption has skyrocketed — becoming the “King of Beasts” in relation to content strategy.

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Using the right social media tool for the job

Using the right social media tool for the job

If you’re building a house, you’re not going to only use a hammer to get the job done. You’ll want to grab the right tool for the right job to achieve the finished product. In this example, the house that you’re building is your brand.

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