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Fort Wayne, IN 46802

B&Y Insights


Predictive science and analytical data can help you find out more about your audience than you know about your Uncle Carl.

Is your intent data reaching its ROI potential?

Is your intent data reaching its ROI potential?

How is your business currently using its intent data? Utilizing intent data, effectively and in context, offers your business an opportunity to think ahead of your competitors and engage prospects right when they need you the most.

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What do consumers want from your brand in 2021?

What do consumers want from your brand in 2021?

As we collectively scan the horizon of the upcoming year, B&Yers know that the things that’ve been integral to the success of our own brand for over 30 years will be even more important in the next one. Here’s how your brand can set itself up for success in the next year and beyond.

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Why is brand discovery so important?

Why is brand discovery so important?

In branding and marketing, the term “discovery” is multifaceted — ranging from a full brand discovery to discovery for individual campaigns. For now, we’re focused on brand discovery in general, its importance, and a few ways to begin the process.

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Consumers Want Hopeful, Helpful COVID-19 Messaging

Consumers Want Hopeful, Helpful COVID-19 Messaging

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, local health systems have the obligation and the opportunity to be much-needed leaders in their communities. By addressing consumer communication needs throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, health systems can exemplify their brand and build lifetime customer value all while keeping their communities safe.

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Brand research: A walk in your consumers’ shoes

Brand research: A walk in your consumers’ shoes

It’s easy for companies to say, “Let’s put ourselves in the shoes of our consumers.” It certainly makes sense when trying to figure out what they see in your brand, why they buy your products, and what attributes are most important to them.

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Choosing your objective

Choosing your objective

While there are many important factors to developing a successful ad campaign, none is more important than choosing the right objective.

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