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B&Y Insights


With a bit of strategic know-how, your brand can be everywhere and more impactful than ever before — at a fraction of the cost.

Navigating Advertising in an Election Year

Navigating Advertising in an Election Year

Most Americans are familiar with political ads filling our airways during an election cycle. In a presidential election this year, the advertising market is on track to be more crowded with political spending than ever before. With all of those ads pouring into the market, how should the average business approach advertising through the fall?

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Do You Have a Well-Balanced Marketing Funnel?

Do You Have a Well-Balanced Marketing Funnel?

There’s no doubt that we all want to be able to attribute conversions to our marketing and advertising efforts. But if everyone who has heard of your brand today converted, then what? If you find yourself focusing the majority of your efforts on one piece of the funnel, here are a few perspectives on how to strike a more balanced MarCom strategy.

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5 Marketing Plan Mistakes and What to Do Instead

5 Marketing Plan Mistakes and What to Do Instead

When creating your annual strategic marketing plan, it’s easy to get tied up in the details. But it’s important to not lose sight of the big picture either. To help you create the most effective marketing plan that you and your team can successfully execute this year, we’re sharing five common pitfalls and what you should do instead.

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Are Trade Shows Still Valuable in 2023?

Are Trade Shows Still Valuable in 2023?

If you’re a B2B business with the opportunity to attend an industry trade show, they are worth making room for in your budget. Trade shows provide a unique opportunity for you to interact with a large number of qualified prospects who also get the chance to interact with your products.

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Can You Define Your Target Audience?

Can You Define Your Target Audience?

If you were put on the spot, could you describe your brand’s target audience? How much detail could you give? If you feel like you might be at a loss for a quick answer, we can help!

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What Is Microlearning? Benefits and How to Get Started

What Is Microlearning? Benefits and How to Get Started

Have you ever thought of the power of using videos for your internal teams like you do for customers? When we heard about the trend of microlearning, particularly when utilizing videos, our gears immediately started turning. Videos with targeted, compact information could be helpful for HR departments onboarding and training new employees, internal communications teams disseminating updates with coworkers, or sales and marketing teams sharing training and product overviews with dealers and distributors.

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How to Respond When Adversity Hits Your Brand

How to Respond When Adversity Hits Your Brand

In our current culture of connectivity, it’s not uncommon for brands to face a public relations crisis at some point. Product recalls, bad online reviews, negative press coverage—these can all be stressful, make-or-break scenarios for brands. Do you have a plan in place for how to handle a situation like one of these? Let’s talk through a few recommendations for how to help your brand best handle an adverse situation.

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4 Tips for Marketing in an Economic Downturn

4 Tips for Marketing in an Economic Downturn

While economists disagree on whether the economy is heading for a full recession or if we’re just entering a downturn, the effects are being felt in the business community. Many companies turn to their marketing budgets as a place to cut and save money—however, during times of economic stress, it’s more important than ever to stay engaged with your loyal customers. History has shown that brands who continue to invest in marketing and innovation during recessions and downturns are the ones who come out ahead when the economy picks back up.

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Brand Ambassadors vs. Influencers—Which Best Suits Your Brand?

Brand Ambassadors vs. Influencers—Which Best Suits Your Brand?

Attract new customers and expand your brand’s reach with brand ambassador or influencer marketing. These relatively newer marketing tactics have staying power, not to mention a serious amount of clout with consumers. A 2020 consumer survey by Matter Communications found that 61% of consumers trust recommendations from friends, family members or influencers on social media compared to only 38% who reported being likely to trust a brand on social media.

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Where to Look When Your Marketing Dollars Aren’t Working

Where to Look When Your Marketing Dollars Aren’t Working

Do you feel like you’re not seeing the return on investment you were hoping for with your marketing efforts? Occasionally we’ll hear from businesses that they feel like their marketing spend just isn’t paying off the way they’d hoped and they’re not sure why. This tends to be particularly true in regard to digital advertising. If this struggle sounds familiar to you, let’s get to the bottom of it. There are many places to look when your marketing is proving less than effective but, as a start, let’s dig in to five of the most common issues.

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7 Tips for Success in Your Agency Partnership

7 Tips for Success in Your Agency Partnership

In our over thirty years as a marketing and advertising agency, we’ve seen first-hand how strong partnerships are built, as well as which pitfalls can strain a relationship between a business and their agency. Today we’re offering our seven top tips for creating a strong, successful working relationship with your agency, right from the first meeting.

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How to Reset Your Healthcare Marketing Plan

How to Reset Your Healthcare Marketing Plan

If you’re feeling like your healthcare company’s marketing plan could use an overhaul for the new year, now is the perfect time to start reassessing. With the pandemic having put the healthcare industry in a state of flux for the past few years, you might find that your marketing strategy moved off of center – and necessarily so – and now’s the time to recommit to executing on a growth trajectory.

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What is Social Responsibility Marketing and Why Does it Matter?

What is Social Responsibility Marketing and Why Does it Matter?

Increasingly, consumers want to do business with brands who make a difference in the world. And big brands are taking notice. You might have already seen this trend as more and more brands are sharing their views on social justice issues, starting foundations, or committing to being more environmentally friendly. Not only is this a good thing to do for society, but it’s largely being driven by consumer demand.

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Direct Mail Isn’t Dead: 5 Reasons to Use Direct Mail in 2023

Direct Mail Isn’t Dead: 5 Reasons to Use Direct Mail in 2023

In our digital world, the idea of direct mail marketing—sending consumers advertisements through the postal service—can seem out of date. However, we’re here to make the case for direct mail. A well-done mailer can delight consumers, have more interactivity than a digital ad, and can even be paired with modern technology to make for a really impactful asset in your strategic marketing plan.

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Hire Better Candidates with Recruitment Marketing

Hire Better Candidates with Recruitment Marketing

It’s a tough time to be hiring new employees. Companies across industries seem to have open roles to fill. In an employees’ market, how can you set yourself apart? More and more HR and talent acquisition departments are turning to marketing and advertising to find new ways to reach potential candidates. Let’s take a closer look at how branding, marketing and advertising can be leveraged to hire the right candidates for your open positions.

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Know How Your Ads Are Really Performing with these KPIs

Know How Your Ads Are Really Performing with these KPIs

Media platforms offer so many different data points to their advertisers that it can be easy for marketers to lose sight of which metrics are important to follow. Following the right key performance indicators (KPIs) can help you make better decisions about your marketing and advertising spend. To help you sort through this data overload and have a more accurate picture of your brand health, we’re going to walk you through valuable KPIs to track during three key stages of the marketing funnel.

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Which Media Channels to Use Throughout the Buyer’s Journey

Which Media Channels to Use Throughout the Buyer’s Journey

In today’s market, there are seemingly endless ways to reach consumers. Print, digital, video, social media, the list goes on and on. It can leave marketers wondering which is most effective and where they should place their advertising budgets. To build a successful media strategy, we suggest thinking of the channels you’re using in relation to the marketing funnel. Then you can pair your media and message to your target audience’s stage in the buyer’s journey.

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