martin methodist college
onward & upward
A small college in the rolling hills of Tennessee, Martin Methodist College (MMC) needed a way to get students to enroll last-minute for the upcoming school year. MMC already had a lengthy brochure with details of the college inside, but this new piece needed to do something else entirely: it needed to draw students’ attention in just a quick glance. So, how do you keep their focus long enough for them to WANT to learn more? With bold graphics, quick snippets of info, and all the stuff they care about: clubs, sports, majors and affordability. It’s a piece that “speaks” teenager.

the solution:
- MMC now has an overview piece that can be handed out at events
- Bright colors and “real” photos bring life and excitement
- By focusing on college life, this brochure appeals to students who are into sports, clubs, volunteering or other ways to get involved
- With just a quick skim, students can get a feel for the college and know if it’s a good fit for them
- An attached postcard makes it easy for students to request more info or arrange a campus visit