If you’re building a house, you’re not going to only use a hammer to get the job done. You’ll want to grab the right tool for the right job to achieve the finished product. In this example, the house that you’re building is your brand.
B&Y Insights
It should come as no surprise that having a bigger digital presence is more important for your brand than ever before.
Free social is a thing of the past. Spend money where people spend time.
Instagram and Twitter have been making headlines recently for changing their timelines from chronological to algorithmic, similar to how...
Twitter’s Identity Crisis Just Got Interesting
10,000 Characters and a Timeline.
How to know if Pandora advertising is right for your campaign
According to Pandora, 48% of U.S. smartphone owners use Pandora on their device. The average user spends 1 hour and 53 minutes listening per day. All that sounds great, but you may be wondering what this means for you as a potential advertiser on Pandora.
Animated vs. Static: What Type of Banner Ad Is Right For You?
In October, the IAB released a statement that literally said, “We messed up.” How did they mess up? Well, it’s the same way as many advertisers messed up. By disregarding the digital ad UX.
What to say when clients ask how to get on the first page of Google
A common question clients ask is, “How can I get on the first page of Google search?” While there are additional questions that need to be asked — like, “Do you want top ranking globally or regionally?” “Do you want your homepage to come up? Or specific landing pages?” — reaching that goal has changed over the last several years, and it’s not something that can be guaranteed.
Best Kept Super Secrets of Killer SEO
SEO - Search Engine Optimization - Even the name sounds as though you are about to commit a criminal act. In order to take a stab at the...
is your site mobile-friendly?
Turning websites and smartphones into best pals. Having a website that isn’t optimized for mobile devices is like having an unreliable friend – not there when you need them. Google has been an advocate of responsive and mobile design for some time, so it wasn’t a surprise when they recently announced algorithm changes that would affect mobile search results.
Choosing your objective
While there are many important factors to developing a successful ad campaign, none is more important than choosing the right objective.
creative grief : How to set your creative team up for success
The human mind can only process so many options, and when there are too many, we just can’t make a decision at all.
top mobile trends retailers can’t afford to ignore
See that person over there frantically searching on their phone for coupons before checking out? That could be any shopper in any U.S....
Bluetooth LE and iBeacon are Changing the Mobile Ad Game.
Mobile advertising strategies are evolving so fast that it’s hard to master the current trend before the next one arrives. However,...
Google vs. Humans
Clients often ask about best practices for SEO, and I have to admit, it’s a confusing time to be publishing digital content. There’s a lot of conflicting information out there. Recently, for example, I’ve been seeing a lot of “Google vs. humans” talk in my Twitter feed. On the one hand, we’ve got folks like Social Bazinga telling us “Write for humans. Not for Google.” On the other, we’ve got Socialmedia.biz telling us “Always write for Google, never for humans.” So, which is it? Google or humans???
Is this thing on? 4 things brands should be doing to turn up the volume on Facebook
As far as I know, there are two kinds of “mic checks.” The first is the semi-annoying thing that bands do before a show to...